Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wk4 Publishing_Presentation Project

I have decided to publish about my Challenge Based Research project to the Journal of Computing in Higher Education.  This publication really spoke to me in the questions that it asks when describing the types of things it explores.  I was also drawn to the fact that it is geared towards higher education because the learners I work with are college level students.  And, finally, this statement, I feel, is speaking directly to me: "Priority is given to the publication of rigorous, original manuscripts concerning research and integration of instructional technology in higher education."

Publishing/Presentation Project Think-Out Loud Post 1


Publishing/Presentation Project Think-Out Loud Post 2


Document for Publishing

1 comment:

  1. Kris,

    I like your CBR project because it something I use often in photography. I like the approach you used showing other how metadata is an important part of media. I think you picked a good place for your work to be published. Great work and I hope to see your publication soon!

