1. Target Audience – Students in the Bachelor's of Science DAD program at Full Sail University.
2. Materials –
a. Laptop (instructor and students)
b. Projector
c. Printed handouts
3. Objectives – By the end of the project the students will be able to demonstrate the necessary
capabilities to use online portfolio creation tools. They will have the beginnings of
their very own portfolio.
4. Procedure –
a. Sign up for a new account. (Free vs paid.)
b. Create unique portfolio address.
c. Under About tab, edit personal information.
(Name, image, skills, contact info, freelance availability, etc.)
d. Create a new project on the backend page.
e. Add files to the new project.
(Supports jpeg, gif, bmp, tiff, ico, and png images.)
f. Edit the various project details.
(Title, description, client, layout, etc.)
g. Personalize tab, where the look of the portfolio can be altered.
h. On the Projects tab, create a new thumbnail for the project.
i. View the online portfolio, and how it will be shared and viewed.
5. Web 2.0 Tool – Carbonmade.com (allows the simple creation of an online portfolio.)
6. Social Participation/Social Learning – The lesson will take place in a very collaborative manner.
While demonstrating the tool, the students will be working on it at the same time,
providing feedback and guidance for one another.
7. Making Connections – Most college age students have worked with Web 2.0 tools
before, so they will be recalling their own efforts with other tools and sites.
They will also be revisiting past work of theirs, and calling upon their design skills for the
(albeit limited) display customization. The resulting online portfolio will allow the students
to reach out to a much broader audience (potentially the entire world) and especially
the professional world.
8. Create/Produce – Each student will walk away with an online portfolio.
9. Assessment – I will be asking for feedback directly while guiding through the process of
creating the portfolio. There will be a discussion at the end of the project as well.
I will experiment with making this simply a completion project, instead of grading it on a
rubric in an attempt to take pressure off the students and hopefully encourage them to
experiment with it more.
10. Reflection – After the entire process is done, and all questions have been answered,
I will hold a Q&A sessions with the class as a whole, and on an individual basis.
This will allow me to determine how comfortable they were with tool, and give me an
opportunity to see each student's portfolio.
This whole process was fairly enjoyable, as I had fun researching into the different online
portfolio creation is available. It was nice to see the students react positively to
Carbonmade.com, even saying it was the best portfolio tool they had experienced. When asked
if they felt it would be a good thing to introduce to future classes they said yes.
The following video recalls the lecture I provided for the students:
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